The Secret of the Sword

The Secret of the Sword 7.2

After a thrilling nightmare, the parrot fairy called Prince Adam and the Space Tiger to the castle. She gave Adam a sword set with precious stones and sent his housekeeper to Shiliya through the electric door so that they could find out the secret. They're not even sure who or what they're looking for? Adam and his companions soon became friends of the Rebel, a small group organized by several citizens to fight against the evil Hoda army. In a great war, Adam was transformed into Seaman to help the insurgents, but was soon captured by Adora of Holder's army and guarded by Holder's soldiers. Adora was awakened in her sleep by a strange noise that took her to prison when the parrot fairy appeared on the sword. She told the story of Adora and told her the secret of the sword. The parrot fairy tells the true identity of Adora-she is a princess, and not only that, she is Seaman's twin sister. She was kidnapped by Hodak when she was a baby. Adora took the sword, held it over her head and shouted, "give me strength!" Then she turned into an extraordinary princess-Shirley, and immediately rescued her brother. In the end, Prince Adam and Adorah.