The Solid Gold Cadillac

The Solid Gold Cadillac 7.5

Summary of the story: miss Laura Partridge is a minority shareholder in an international company and owns 10 shares in the company. At a shareholders' meeting, he criticized the exorbitant salaries of current board members, and board executives found Partridge very difficult. The current executives of the company's board of directors are big liars, and the former president of the company, Eddard McKeefer, is an honest man who was personally chosen by the president of the United States to serve in the Department of Defense. Miss Partridge and Eddard McKiefer had a little misunderstanding at the shareholders' meeting. When Eddard McKiefer left the company, they picked up Miss Partridge on the way, and they had a very pleasant conversation in the car. Partridge is an unknown young actress with no regular job, but she has a penchant for attending shareholders' meetings. Every time she holds a shareholders' meeting, Miss Partridge always criticizes the people on the board. The CFO of the board came up with an idea to hire Miss Partridge to the company in an attempt to gag Partridge. McKeefer went to the Ministry of Defense and did not give the contract to the old owner, but fairly gave the contract to the international company's competitors. President Bresington found his brother-in-law Harry to the company, he.

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