The Strawberry Statement

The Strawberry Statement 6.7

It is not the time that man chooses, but the time that chooses man. Simon, a college freshman who is determined to make money in the future, coincides with the post-68 wave of study. He has become a struggle hero without a golden house, thinking that he is caught in a gap in life without a golden house. can fate be free of slogans? It turns out that the price of freedom can be infinite, but it doesn't matter. Charge is a beauty all the way. Why can't you do it? At the end of the film, the police broke through the student defenses and brutally cleared the scene. It is true that a Circle Game song is very popular, and the winner of the Cannes jury Award has influenced more than one generation of students and social movements in Hong Kong. The story is adapted from the real student movement struggle on the east coast and moved to San Francisco on the west coast to shoot. The dialectics of justice and freedom are more satirical and more American.