The Waterboy

The Waterboy 6.1

Football team Tea Boy Bobby Busch (Adam Sandler Adam Sandler) has interpersonal problems. Bobby, who is slow to respond, is often teased by his teammates, and coach Rhett thinks he interferes with the team's training and expels him. Unemployed Bobby is unable to leave his job as a tea clerk, who has been stuck for 18 years. He goes to a college team called Mud Dog, which is economically embarrassed and repeatedly defeated. Clay Dog coach Klein accidentally discovers that Bobby has extraordinary ability to intercept when he is angry. Bobby joins the team with his master Bobby. Bobby's mother (Kathy Bates Kathy Bates) is worried and opposes any idea of leaving him. In particular, Bobby is even more worried about the appearance of Wiki (Ferruza Bock Fairuza Balk), a childhood playmate and problem girl. Bobby, who joined the team without telling his mother, helped the team win a series of victories, and finally gained love, as well as real recognition from others.