Tini zabutykh predkiv

Tini zabutykh predkiv 8.0

The film is adapted from Koyubinski's lyric novel of the same name. The director divided the plot into 11 units, such as "Ivan and Marichka", "Polonina", "Solitude", "Ivan and Balagna", "Daily Life", "Christmas", "Spring is tomorrow", "thunderstorm", "Little Hotel", "the death of Ivan", "pious ritual" and so on. It tells about the two unforgettable love songs of the protagonist Ivan: first, the heroine Mary Qika unfortunately fell into the river on her way to find Ivan, and then another heroine, Balagna, betrayed Ivan. The story ends with Ivan's death at the hands of a romantic rival. This film is a typical poetic film, which shows the scene of the nation exploring the way of survival with a unique style, and explores the activities and changes of the nation's inner consciousness. The film mixes delicate documentary scenes with baroque visual effects in a miraculous way. Through the emotional guidance of the protagonist, the whirlpool narrative shuttles back and forth between fantasy and reality. The camera is obsessed with the audience into their mysterious dreams. After the film was released, it was banned, but under pressure, it was lifted immediately.