Tora! Tora! Tora!

Tora! Tora! Tora! 7.5
  • Genre: HistoryWar
  • Premiere: 1970
  • Running time: 2h 24m
  • Country: USA

This is a real film, which truly shows the history of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. When the US military intervenes in the Pacific battlefield, Japanese top general Yamamoto 56 (Satoshi Yamamura S ô Yamamura) believes that the US military is strong and should fight a quick war, and it is not suitable to fight a long war with the Americans. As a result, the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor planned by him was officially launched. Although the US military learned of the news of a possible Japanese raid from the Japanese secret cables intercepted earlier, most people ignored it, and the contents of the secret cables were not reported. Even if a US soldier spotted an unusual group of aircraft on radar on the day of the raid, the US general still thought it was his own plane patrolling. In the end, the Japanese sneak attack was a success, and the US military suffered heavy losses. Yamamoto 56 has also become the biggest thorn in the eye of Americans.