Tout pour être heureux

Tout pour être heureux 6.2
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 2016
  • Running time: 1h 37m
  • Country: France

Antoine (Manu Paier Manu Payet) is a drummer who organizes a band in which lead singer Angelique (Joe Bell Joe Bel) has high musical talent and is the focus of Antoine's training. The relationship between Antoine and his wife Alice (Audrey Audrey Lamy) has been very tense, and in the end, their marriage broke up, so Antoine has to take care of their two daughters, which makes Antoine, who is not good at it, feel very big. The band is going through its most important period, at this juncture, Angel is adorable with guitarist Bebert (Bruno Chrysler Feng Bruno Clairefond), their relationship naturally makes Antoine feel very uneasy, and the band's stability and unity are in jeopardy.