Twenty Six Days from the Life of Dostoyevsky

Twenty Six Days from the Life of Dostoyevsky 7.0

Fate was cruel to Dostoevsky, and he always suffered in pain: not long ago, his wife died, he didn't even have time to bury her, and now his brother is gone again. he owed a debt, couldn't even pay the rent, sold everything worth something in the family, and took advantage of the danger of a speculative publisher. Force Dostoevsky to sign a contract with him: limit Dostoevsky to hand over the manuscript of a novel within 26 days, that is, before November 1, and if it is not delivered on time, Scherlovsky will have the right to publish all of the writer's works for the next nine years free of charge. Apart from all this disaster Dostoevsky also suffered emotional tribulations: Polina Suslova, whom he loved with all his heart, left him and fell in love with someone else. Orsin, Dostoevsky's friend, introduced him to a young female stenographer to help him get out of trouble and not be enslaved by speculative publishers, to help him speed up his writing. Meet the due date. The female stenographer's name is Anna Gregorievna Snitjina. She went to see Dostoevs for the first time.