
Vampires 6.1

Jack the vampire hunter (James Woods James Woods) has an unusual childhood when he kills his vampire-turned father and is taught to raise him. Jack was appointed by the Vatican to hunt the vampire King Watson in the United States. Watson was a priest who became a vampire 700 years ago and was a powerful ancestor of the ghost king. Jack's team, which knew nothing about Watson, suffered heavy losses during the mission. Only Jack and a member of the team narrowly escaped. Watson bit Karina, a playmate girl during the slaughter of Jack's team. Because the person bitten by vampires can maintain the human mind and psychic the Vampire King within 48 hours, Jack takes Karina away to track the Ghost King. The church sent a new guide for Jack, Father Adam, and Jack learned that the ultimate goal of the Ghost King was to take the cross of the relic so that he could live in the sun. Now the only person who can hope to stop the Ghost King is Jack.