Waikiki Brothers

Waikiki Brothers 7.0

Can ideal and reality coexist? It seems that this is the most important issue that the director of this film wants to discuss. "the Waikiki Brothers" was originally a band of four, but its members left the team one after another for various reasons, and everyone had to bow to reality, knowing that ideals alone could not cure their stomachs or make a living, but the hero Sung-woo refused to bow to reality, no matter how bad the environment was, including humiliation, he would not give up his ideals and vowed to continue his career as a musician. But is persistence alone enough? Sung-woo is expressionless every time he plays, and his ambivalent feelings can be seen. It seems that he doesn't really enjoy this so-called "ideal" life. On the contrary, like Sung-woo, the hotel handyman who dreams of becoming a professional musician eats much more. Like Sung-woo, he can sing in the hotel in the end, but he is very engaged because he is flexible and injects commercial elements into his performance, rather than just narcissism, so he can win the support of the boss and the audience. Through the comparison between hotel chores and Sung-woo, the choreographer presents the problems faced by the ideal artist in a gloomy plot.

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