Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress 7.6

This film tells a touching relationship between mother and daughter: single mother Gao Yun (Song Yuner) and her daughter Suya (Jin Xiangqi) live together. As a wedding dress designer, she is busy with her career and neglects to take care of Suanya. So Suya is independent on the one hand, but quite unsociable and even a little surly on the other. After Gao Yun found out the terminal illness, he seized the little time left to prepare for Suya. In order to make up for simplicity and elegance, she not only responded to her every request, but also took the initiative to make Laver package rice for Suya learning to prepare for the outing all night. She held a birthday party for her in order to improve her interpersonal relationship, but Suya didn't even invite a friend. At first, the stubborn plain and elegant did not understand Gao Yun's good intentions. But after being aware of Gao Yun's illness, she seemed to have grown up all of a sudden. When she was young, she not only pretended to be completely ignorant of Gao Yun's imminent death, but also tried her best to fulfill all Gao Yun's wishes. Kim Hsiang-chi, South Korea's leading "national doll", starred in the role of the film's daughter Shaola.