Where Eagles Dare

Where Eagles Dare 7.7

The war action movie is adapted from the best-selling novel, starring Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood. The story takes place during World War II, when British officers led a commando to rescue American generals captured by the Germans. Their destination was a dangerous castle in the Alps. Six members of the team crossed various checkpoints in German uniforms, but one of them died suddenly and mysteriously, revealing that there was a mole in the team. So the captain planned a dangerous plan to save people and kill people. Director Brian G. Hutton is good at using the topography of nature to arrange a series of explosive chase scenes, especially the life-and-death fight in the high-altitude cable car, which is one of the best in commando movies. Blood-stained Snow Mountain Castle Where Eagles Dare is one of the masterpieces created by Brian G. Hutton, the director of war films, in 1969. In 1970, Brian G. Hutton again worked with Clint Eastwood on another classic World War II film, Kelly and his Heroes. Blood-stained Snow Mountain Castle has been released in China under the title of "Spy Grottoes".