Xi you

Xi you 6.8

The documentary tells the story of a monk dressed in red robes on a "trip" to Marseilles, France. The first scene shows an aging gentleman lying there, with the camera fixed on his wrinkled face. This long shot lasted about six minutes. Not only that, the whole film was filled with a large number of Tsai Liang-style long shots. Each scene describes the monk's extremely slow prayer walk in different ways and angles. From the crowded cafes on the streets of Lyon to the window of the Chinese-style room of a Chinese living in Lyon, and from the entrance of the subway station to the process of patting monks down the stairs, to an extraneous communication between monks and crowds through a large mirror in a square in Lyon. The crowd on the streets of Lyon broke into the camera under such an inadvertent record and had some kind of unbiased interaction with the monk. Or observe or stare or awe, more often in a hurry. In the last scene of the movie, four lines of small characters appear on the screen, meaning that everything is empty and an illusion. This is also the only text in the film without any soundtrack language. The whole screening hall was silent until the subtitles stopped and the lights came on.

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