Yat yuk yat sai gai: Go dang fut siu mau gam yat gei

Yat yuk yat sai gai: Go dang fut siu mau gam yat gei 5.9

Yu Richen (Wang Zongyao is acted the role of), the rich second generation who is full of famous car beauties, once drunk driving, the female passer-by was seriously injured. He was sentenced to a year and a half in prison within 48 hours of the accident. Stepping into the prison life, I was surprised to realize that the world behind bars is a universe with its own country and dark order. As long as you know how to integrate into the law of life and existence, you can get through the sentence safely. Yu Richen made use of his rich second-generation thinking and financial power, determined to highly optimize the rigid quality of prison life. The prison we are familiar with has become different ever since! His mortal enemy, Ah Ji (Zhang Jiansheng), was sentenced to the same prison. Jack has always been arrogant and laissez-faire, relying on money to collude with ethnic minorities and large circle gangs in prison. In the face of strong pressure in the face of prison desperation, how will he deal with himself?