Young Adam

Young Adam 6.4

A young literary ancestor from the working class (Ivan. McGregor Ewan McGregor) works on the barge owner Reese's boat and lives on the boat with the couple. One day, Joey found a white female body floating in the water on the shore. Panicked Joey and Reese picked up the female body. That night, Joey talked about picking up the woman's body during the day while having dinner with Reese and told the hostess Ina (Tilda). Swinton Tilda Swinton acted the role of) seduced in every way, not satisfied in her husband, usually gloomy and depressed Aina hooked up with Joey after supper. Joey once again mentioned the matter of the female body. It turns out that the dead woman was Joey's lover before she died. With the memory of Joey, things unveiled one after another.

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