Disillusionment is an adult fantasy animated comedy series brought by Matt Gronin. All 10 episodes were released on Netflix on August 17, 2018. "disillusionment" will take the audience to the fragmented medieval kingdom "Dream Land", following the drunken young princess Doudou, naughty and active elf companion Alfred, and her demon Lucky on a thrilling journey. Along the way, the strange trio will meet ogres, elves, banshees, immortals, trolls, walruses and many stupid humans. The dubbing cast of the show includes Abby Jacobson ("Peas"), Eric Andre ("Lucky") and Nat Fackson ("Alfred"). As well as John DiMaggio, Billy West, Maurice Ramache, Tris McNelly, David Herman, Matt Berry, Jenny Batten, Ricky Fulchell, Noel Fedin and Lucy Montgomery.