The Larkins (Season 2)

The Larkins (Season 2) 6.2
  • Genre: PlotComedy
  • Premiere: 2022
  • Running time: 45m
  • Country: UK

The story tells the story of the Larkin family, father, mother, and six children who live in Kent Township. They enjoy life to their heart's content. They are kind-hearted and willing to share, but they are not liked by some members of the local community. In addition, from government officials to snobbish second-home owners to aggressive developers, the Larkin family often have to deal with people who threaten a good pastoral life, and they never sit idly by. In addition to the weekly battles with authoritative and snobbish villagers, the story also tells the love story of Mariette, the eldest daughter of the Larkins, and the newcomer Cedric 'Charley' Charlton in the village. When Charley first arrived in the village, he looked like an accountant in a big city, unsophisticated and bossy. In the process of investigating the tax affairs of Larkin's family, he was soon distracted by the beautiful Mariette and fell in love with her deeply. Then he found that he had another opponent, the handsome and mysterious Tom Fisher. As for Mariette, she has her own plan, which does not include men.