This is a typical Japanese black humorous comedy. The protagonist of the film, Sakuji, is a deceiver character. The film describes how he skillfully performed deception in the harsh brothels of the Edo era. The survival of people from all walks of life to show the kind and flawed small potatoes. However, this kind of smile is heavy and sad. From the beginning to the end of the film runs through the Japanese popular stand-up crosstalk, interspersed with Zuo Pingji to work to pay off debts, mixed into a beloved treasure in the brothel, and ran into Takashi Jinzuo, a politician at the end of the shogunate. In order to save the girl who was sold into the brothel, he agreed to help Jinzuo plan to go to the British consulate in Shimagawa. Japanese stand-up crosstalk, known as "Luoyu", complements Sapingji's storyline to form a super costume satirical comedy. The two actors starring in the film, Frankie Jie and Yujiro Ishihara, are popular stars who once swept the Japanese film scene. The screenwriter is Imamura Shohei, who later became a famous director. Therefore, it impressed the audience very deeply.