According to DL, the Radio Silence team will direct Universal's unnamed monster movie. Radio Silence is a filmmaker group founded in 2011 by Matt Bethinelli-Orping, Taylor Gillett, Justin Martinez (who has flown solo) and Chad Villaria. He has directed or partly participated in the production of works such as "fatal Video" series, "Devil due date", "all the way South", "Blood Wedding Night", "Scream 5", "Scream 6" and so on. The project, which will be similar to the previous version of the Invisible Man and the upcoming Renfield, is a thriller with a new interpretation of Universal's classic monster characters. Universal has no restrictions on budget, rating and specific types of films (no restrictions on budget, rating or genre), they are not part of any "movie universe", and each film can exist independently and be creative. The whole direction emphasizes author-driven, Global welcomes any original, talented and innovative film creators who dare to try.