About Cherry

About Cherry 4.8
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2012
  • Running time: 1h 38m
  • Country: USA

Angelina (Ashley Hinshaw Ashley Hinshaw) can't stand the headache any longer. Her mother is drunk with a bottle all day, and her stepfather, who is not her biological father, is basically an unpromising loser except for punching women. On the advice of her boyfriend, Angelina decided to make a living by making porn movies, which made her feel bad, but when the real money was in her hands, everything else became less important. With the money, Angelina and her friend Andrew (Dave Patel Dev Patel) come to busy San Francisco, where Angelina meets her Mr. Francis (James Franco James Franco). Under the leadership of Francis, a wealthy lawyer, Angelina saw the ecstasy of the so-called high society, and at the same time, in an erotic world almost in another time and space, Angelina is rapidly becoming popular under the stage name "Cherry".




Title Download Size Publish
About Cherry 2012 x264 DTS-WAF 2.1GB 55 Year ago
