The film is based on the most notorious unsolved murder in New York history. In 1973, Robert Durst (Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling), the son of a New York real estate tycoon, married the beautiful poor student Kathleen McCormack (Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst). The couple left the city after marriage and went to the countryside to enjoy a quiet time. When they returned, Katie went back to school to continue her studies. Everything seemed happy, but Kathleen suddenly disappeared in 1982. Durst's friend Susan Berman was found dead at home in 2000, and his disappearance 20 years ago was reawakened. Durst was questioned in both cases, but was not charged because of insufficient evidence. In 2001, Durst's neighbor Morris Black was killed and his body was decomposed. He was once again suspected and charged, but was acquitted after being defended by a prominent lawyer. Until Durst was tried again in 2004 and finally sentenced to five years in prison, the media gave him the name quot;, the killer of quot; millionaire.