The calendar shows that the front line of World War I in April 1915 was one of the most difficult months, and the canakkale situation in Gallipoli was besieged for several months and could not get any results. The new army of the Ottoman Empire was defeated by the Anglo-French coalition forces of Anzac. Red Crescent brothers, including pro-union member Muhsin Hassan, reached the hard road a month ago. However, it was impossible to predict when they entered the trenches to face a harsh and brutal war. Muhsin burunad burunad rlar almost dies every day, but is a sharp shooter. Captain Ibrahim Adil Muhsin, as a sniper, is the only one he wants y ü zba Hassan to be appointed behind the facade of his brother Hassan. Muhsin Hall is another sniper hunting enemy soldier on the front line with a sharp hand Anzak'lar the individual will lead to lowering the name of the entire bay. However, the mobile strike of Anzak's army, the housekeeper of the British major, also began with the notorious Turkish soldiers.