The story begins around Aldine Forest, where the Duke of Senior (Brian Blessed) joins the crowd to watch a small Kabuki show in his courtyard. His murderous brother Federick (also played by Brian Blessed) leads a pair of men who suddenly rush in to launch a coup. Senior was forced to be deported. Several sons of Roland de Boss, a former friend of Senior, are also in deep trouble. The eldest Oliver (Adrian Lester) disinherits his younger brother Orlando (David Oyelowo), who happens to be fleeing in the jungle. Joining the Aldine Forest party are Celia, daughter of Federick (Lomara Garry) and Rosalind, daughter of the Duke of Senior (Bryce Dallas Howard). In order to protect themselves, they all chose camouflage. Rosalind pretended to be a young man named Ganymede, while Celia pretended to be his sister Elena. They brought the court clown touchstone (Alfred Molina) along with them.