The story takes place after Milo (James Arnold Taylor James Arnold Taylor) and Zida (Kerisamo Cree Summer) stay in Atlantis. When several cargo ships are attacked in the waters north of Atlantis, the two men and the expedition team investigate, only to find that the attacker is not a mechanical lobster, but other mysterious forces. After weathering the crisis, Zida decided to figure out how to make the most of the magic crystal. She embarked on a journey with Milo and the explorers, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the incident. They are faced with an important choice of whether to use the magic crystal or hide it forever. In the process of finding the answer, they encountered various challenges and dangers. They had to face their own inner contradictions and disputes of ideas, and at the same time, they had to weigh their interests and possible consequences. This decision will determine the future of Atlantis and their own destiny.