"the Wave of disappearance" is a love science fiction film directed by Kristina Buozyte and starring Jurga Jutaite and Marius Jampolskis. The film tells the story of a young man who makes an amazing journey to the mind of a comatose woman on the basis of neurotransmission science experiments. The fantasy movie "the Wave of disappearance" is known as the literary version of "invading brain cells". Have you ever imagined going into the minds of loved ones or enemies to figure out the other person's thoughts? have you ever thought of experiencing the ideal sexual relationship through the fusion of thoughts? the "Wave of disappearance" is the right dream in people's hearts. Use science fiction stories to describe an ideal journey for us. "the Wave of disappearance" is directed by Kristina Buozyte and starred by Brice Fournier, Frederick Andrews, Sarunas Batas and others. The film won four awards for best director and best screenwriter at the 2012 Fantasy Film Festival (FANTASTIC FEST) in Austin, Texas.