Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman), the British aristocratic lady, flies across the ocean alone and plans to persuade her husband to sell her grazing ground in Australia and return to England. In the port city of Darwin in northern Australia, Sarah meets cow herder Zhuo (Hugh Jackman). Zhuo drove Sarah on a long journey to the ranch, never expecting to see only the body of Sarah's newly deceased husband. The grieving Sarah wanted to sell the ranch quickly, but then fell out with Neil Fletcher (David Wenham), the local snake's farm manager, in order to protect the indigenous child Nora (Brandon Walters), whom she had first met. 1,500 bulls were rushing to Darwin Port to be loaded, so Sarah had to ask Zhuo for help. The cattle herding journey brought Sarah and Zhuo to peace in Australia. Soon after their marriage, Zhuo's wandering personality caused her to leave Sarah to continue herding cattle; Nora, who was supposed to perform the Australian Aborigine adult walk away ceremony, was captured and taken to Priest Island with other mixed-race children, and her grandfather "King George"(David Gulpilil) was also imprisoned. At the same time, two...