The story takes place in a special fairy tale village and toy kingdom, which is inhabited by classic fairy tale characters from mother goose stories. The story tells the story that Tom Piper and Mary Contrary, who are in love with each other in the kingdom, are going to get married, but the evil guy Barnaby, who is bent on grabbing love, has bad intentions and launches his terrible plot on the eve of their marriage. he employs two helpers to plan to drown Tom and steal the lamb that Mary left with the shepherdess Little Bo Peep to force Mary to marry him. However, his two helpers, Gonzorgo and Roderigo, had different plans. instead of drowning Tom, they sold him to the gypsies as a slave. Tom escaped death and immediately returned to the toy kingdom to save his lover. Unexpectedly, they went into the lost forest in order to find the lost sheep, so they entered the toy kingdom where a toy maker lives. The toy maker's assistant was a young invention genius, and the bad guy Barnaby who followed decided to use his invention to deal with Tom and force Mary to obey.