The story takes place in exotic India, where endless terrorist attacks make the government have to consider countermeasures. For this reason, a project called "Project Baby" has been put on the agenda. This project brings together 12 tough warriors who have been carefully selected by Feloz (Danny Danzompa DannyDenzongpa), who are ready to give their lives at any time to protect the country and the people. Ajie (Akshai Kumar Akshay Kumar) is an important member of the action team. One day, he captures his former companion and current enemy Jamal (Kiran Anand) in an operation. Jamal confesses that the leader of the terrorist organization, Rahman (Rush Naz RasheedNaz), has teamed up with the jailbreak terrorist Bilal (Kaimennon Kay Kay Menon) to prepare for an attack on a flight full of passengers.