Bao feng zhou yu

Bao feng zhou yu 5.4
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1961
  • Running time: 1h 48m
  • Country: China

In order to further consolidate the foundation of the War of Liberation and maximize the strength of the broad masses of the people. The Communist Party of China sent a rural land reform team led by Xiao Xiang (Yu Yang) to Yuanmaotun, located in a Jiefang District in Northeast China. However, the land reform work has encountered considerable obstacles from the beginning. For thousands of years, the submissive farmers have no sense of being the masters of their own affairs. They are accustomed to the tenants of the local master's household and are timid about this unheard of policy and dare not try it easily. In addition, Han Laoliu (Liu Jiyun), a bully landlord who feels that his vital interests have been harmed, colluded with Zhang Fuying (An Zhenjiang), director of the Farmers 'Association, to spread rumors everywhere in an attempt to undermine the process of land reform. Comrades Xiao Xianghe assessed the situation, prescribed the right medicine, and exposed the plot to disintegrate the landlord. In the process, Zhao Yulin (Gao Baocheng) and other poor farmers also bravely stood up and actively fought for the legitimate rights and interests of being the masters of the country...

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