The film, a semi-biographical film made by HBO, is based on the unusual friendship between Doris Duke, the daughter of the American tobacco king, and her housekeeper, Bernard Rafferty. In 1987, after inheriting all her fortune, Doris Duke (Susan Sarandon Susan Sarandon), who is said to be the richest woman in the world, hired Bernard Lafferty (Ralph Fiennes Ralph Fiennes) to be the housekeeper. The gay Bernard spent six months in an alcoholic nursing home for alcoholism, but Doris was not concerned about Bernard's personal problems. Bernard slightly improved the management of Doris's mansion, Doris acquiesced in, and even encouraged Bernard's unusual sexual orientation, and the two developed an extraordinary friendship. In Doris's old age, Bernard's excessive protection makes Doris's lawyer and economic adviser Waldo Taft (James Rebhorn James Rebhorn) seriously doubt his motive. The film was nominated for Best Director, Best Actor and Actor, Best Photography and other 10 Emmys, and won Best Actor.