Previously, Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter have confirmed their return to the third installment of the comedy [Bill and Ted] series [Bill and Ted's Quest for a Song], directed by Dean Parisot, and the series's original screenwriters Chris Matherson and Ed Solomon wrote the script. But recently Reeves has expressed uncertainty about whether the film will arrive as scheduled. Reeves disclosed the news in an interview with "Yahoo Entertainment". He said that due to some behind-the-scenes issues, it is not certain whether the film can proceed as originally planned. Reeves said: "We have been waiting for this film for a long time, but there are still some 'challenges'. I like these characters in this series very much. The script for the new film is ready and the story is great, but there are still some problems with 'funding, copyright, contract'." The first two films in the "Bill and Ted" series,"The Adventures of Bill and Ted" and "Bill and Ted's Journey to Death", were released in 1989 and 1991 respectively, telling the story of two high school students who experienced adventures through time and space. The new film revolves around two middle-aged friends who once again embark on space and space exploration and find "life-saving songs." MGM is responsible for North American distribution.