The story takes place during the Great Development of the American West, where Yansi (Richard Dix Richard Dix) and his wife Sabra (Irene Dunn Irene Dunne) come to the vast and desolate Oknamara, with lofty ideals in their hearts, hoping to make some achievements here. The living environment in Oknamara is very difficult and precipitous. however, the couple work together to slowly improve and build their homes. In the process of the gradual stability of life, ranchers living in the local areas feel that their interests have been infringed upon. They often find trouble with Yanxi, but they are cleverly resolved by Yanxi with wisdom. Yanxi sympathized with the native Indians living in the area. At the same time, the hateful Yanxi was full of hatred for the capitalists who oppressed and exploited the aborigines. With the passage of time, the contradictions between the two sides gradually became acute.