The story takes place in England in 1957, when Benny (Minnie Minnie Driver) and Eve (Geraldine O'Rawe) are reunited with their elementary school classmate Nan (Saffron Bross Saffron Burrows). Through Nan, a man named Jack (Chris O'Donnell Chris O'Donnell) intervenes in their lives. Jack was so attracted by the warm and lively Benny that he launched a warm offensive against her, and it wasn't long before the two came together. At the same time, Nan also meets the older and charming Simon (Colin Firth Colin Firth). However, the complicated Nan seduced Jack under the trend of Catholicism, and the two had sex. They thought it was just an affair, but Nan became serious and even forced Jack to marry her. In the face of the covetous south, what price will Jack pay for his actions?