Rebecca Bloomwood (Ella Fischer Isla Fisher), who lives in New York, USA, is a reporter for a garden magazine. In this blooming international metropolis, this beautiful girl's boundless desire for shopping has been greatly vented, and impractical clothes continue to be shipped home. The other side of the coin, however, is the resulting high level of debt. Her poor financial situation made a mess of her life. Although she tried to quit her shopping addiction, she eventually failed in front of the products she wanted. On the other hand, Rebecca wanted to work for the coveted Arlette magazine and accidentally entered the editorial department of a financial magazine owned by the magazine. Knowing nothing about financial management, she occasionally wrote an investment article with a novel perspective, which was well received by readers and the industry, and even love came. But lies will always be exposed one day, not to mention the mountain of debt in front of us. The film is based on the British writer Sophie Kinsella's "shopaholic" series.