In a picturesque English countryside, naturalist Charles Darwin (Paul Bettany Paul Bettany) lives a quiet life with his wife and daughter. His ten-year-old daughter Annie was curious about the world, and Darwin taught her a lot of natural and scientific knowledge, including his theory of evolution, but at a time when the world believed that God was the creator, his daughter's theory of evolution was so dangerous that she was subjected to corporal punishment by her tutor, and even Darwin's beloved wife Emma (Jennifer Connery Jennifer Connelly) could not agree with his ideas and research. What hurt Darwin even more was that soon after, Little Anne died early because of illness, and the only source of strength to support his theory was dimmed, and the work of sorting out the manuscript of the Origin of species became like retrograde thorns. This film is adapted from the biographical novel Anne's Box by Darwin's third grandson Randall Keynes (Randal Keynes).