The story takes place in a small town adjacent to the primeval forest, when a logging company is working in the forest, when the snow falls, the work stops temporarily, but then there is a cruel and bloody incident. Meanwhile, Sheriff Paul Hilde (Kevin Durand Kevin Durand) and his new partner, Donnie, have just finished several calls before driving to the home of ex-wife Susan (Bianca Kajlich) and picking up his son Adam (Ethan Khusidman) to live in his home. One night, nothing happened, and the next morning, Paul found huge footprints at the door, and the footprints were all over the main road of the town, all the way to the depths of the forest. The huge footprints made people panic in the town. Paul did not believe in legends such as goblins and monsters at first, but horrible and bloody incidents occurred one after another, causing the town to fall into an unprecedented panic. The crisis is approaching.