The film is a prequel to "Death Car" in 2008. In the post-industrial era, various large private urban prisons were built, the most notorious of which was the "Death Island" prison. Carl (Luke Goss), known as the "cop killer", is escorted here to receive life imprisonment. When the female warden Jones (Lauren Cohan), who is determined to make a difference in television, was in power. The government handed over the right to operate the prison to Azure Company. In Blue Eyes, cells are also profitable under the new era of commercial operation. For them, these prisoners are excellent players in real-life sports competitions. It will be very popular to broadcast the scene of them fighting and killing each other. The competition event carefully designed by Azure Company is the "Death Race". Carl became a racing driver, risking his life against many prison personnel for freedom, fighting for freedom, but he did not know that he was embarking on a legendary path.