Paul Hilton (Eternal Beauty), Alex Loser, and Lomara Garry will star in the new film. The film is directed by Lucille Hazharilovich ([Island of Evolution]) and co-authored by Lucille and Gilfcox ([Space Life]). Based on Brian Catling's novel of the same name, the film tells the story of a lonely Albert Scellinc hired to take care of 10-year-old Mia somewhere in Europe in the 1930s. His most important task is to take care of her ice dentures, which need to be replaced several times a day. They live alone in a large apartment: the blinds are always drawn, Mia never leaves, and remains the same every day. Every week, the phone rings, a male voice asks the Albert girl about her health, and Albert answers with the same answer every week, until one day the voice tells Albert that he must take the girl to Paris by train. Albert was so heartbroken that he felt his world falling apart around him. The film has been filmed in Belgium.