In 1925, Tanaka, a young girl, left Kansai for Tokyo with her family. She was determined to become an actress. With the strong recommendation of director Qing Guanghong, Silk Dai became a big house actress at Takeda Photography Institute. at that time, this kind of actress earned only 10 to 15 yuan, but she got 50 yuan as an exception, and she always got a good role in Qingguang's works. This attracted the jealousy of colleagues, but the silk generation did not care about the eyes of others. Her talent was appreciated by the director of Shisuke five lives and became the leading actress in the film Dream of Shame. Soon after, she starred in films such as "the dancer of Izu" and "Love to dye cinnamon" became very popular. However, there were a lot of changes in her family, her sister eloped with others, her brothers gave up and her mother died. With the encouragement of Zhong Mo Xianji, the bodyguard, Silk Dai survived the predicament. In 1940, she became acquainted with the director Kenji Hizuchi through the film "Wave Girl". Eleven years later, unable to adapt to the gloomy state of the new postwar era, he chose Silk Dai as the star of his new film "the West Crane Generation Girl."