Hal and Vikram (both played by Shah Rukhan) are the twins of Maya, an industrial giant. Hal is a registered pilot. He is the elder of the twins and is his elder brother. Hal's father promised his business partner that Hal would marry his daughter. Hal tried to refuse to marry, but got a clear answer-his father would never budge. During a test flight, Hal flew alone, and he planned a flight accident that led everyone to believe he was dead. In fact, Hal was still alive, and when he finally reached the shore of Mumbai, he met a girl from a poor family, Reggie Varisatch Dave, who fell in love, got married and had a family of their own. But the tragedy is that an accidental fire caused Hal and his wife to die in the fire. Their son Nandu (Sonny Singh) should be legally raised by his aunt. Hal's sister Bigelia (Sona Ribinder) was brought up when Vikram came to Mumbai when Hal's son was eight years old. Vikram never believed that his brother died in a plane crash after years of investigation. Vikram correctly predicted that his brother was still alive and was most likely to land in India, but he later learned that Hal was dead.