This 1964 classic fantasy film is based on the work of the writer H. G. Well, bringing his fantasy adventure to the moon to the big screen. In the film, in 1964, a group of top astronauts landed on the moon, convinced that they were the first pioneers to land on the moon, and the whole world rejoiced. But soon, cheering turned into surprise, and the astronauts found a shabby British flag and a document stating that the moon had been conquered by Queen Victoria! This shocked all the scientists on earth, just when everyone was confused, an old man in his 90s, Arnold (Edward Judd) came forward to explain everything. In 1899, Arnault ran into an eccentric scientist, Joseph, who invented a paste that could resist gravity and made a spaceship, so he persuaded Arnold to take his girlfriend Catherine (Marshaille) to the moon. When they successfully set foot on the surface of the moon, they met horrible alien residents, like ants and bees, made up of queens, soldiers and workers, who had bad intentions towards this group of Earth visitors. These three.