The controversial bizarre film revolves around a group of deformed people in the circus. Dwarf Hans (Harry Earles Harry Earles) is secretly attracted to "normal"-the beautiful swing performer Cleopatra (Olga Baguranova Olga Baclanova), and fellow dwarf Frida (Daisy Earles Daisy Earles) admonishes Hans that she is only for his money. Cleopatra and "normal" Hercules Hercules (Doug Hodgson Henry Victor) fall in love with each other and design to let Cleopatra marry Hans to get the money. At the wedding, Cleopatra yelled that the people present were "FREAKS", infuriating all the deformed people. On a rainy night, the deformed people retaliated against the two "normal people".... The film was banned because its subject matter was too grotesque after it was released in 1932 and became a money-losing film at that time. But when I watch it, it is a rare "normal" film. The director threw us a naked question: who on earth is "normal"?