In 2008, Republican candidate John McCain (Eddard Harris Ed Harris) competed with Democratic candidate Barack Obama for the 44th president of the United States. McCain, who is at a disadvantage in the campaign, followed the advice of his senior campaign staff (Woody Harrison Woody Harrelson) and decided to choose a woman as his vice presidential candidate to increase his competitiveness. After some screening, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (Julian Moore Julianne Moore) was successfully selected. However, after being selected, Palin frequently surprised the campaign in terms of behavior and knowledge. Although Palin's performance has improved after many special training, and even helped the campaign to achieve some good results, but can Palin's participation turn the tide and change the fate of the McCain team? The film is based on a book of the same name released in 2010 and is directed by Jay Roach, the director of "vote Storm", which was filmed in 2008 and recreated the 2000 US election.