The story takes place during the outbreak of the Russo-French War. During the outbreak of the Russo-French War, the hussar captain Nov (Yuri Yakovlev Yuriy Yakovlev) was ordered by his uncle to marry his fiancee Shuluoqika (Larissa Golubjina Larisa Golubkina). Takashi Nov had no feelings for Shuluoqika at all. He felt a headache whenever he thought of the marriage. In the barracks, an hussar second lieutenant Agarov (played by Larissa Gorubjina Larisa Golubkina), who claims to be Shuluochka's cousin, attracts the attention of Takashi Nov. This young man is not only smart, but also quick, and soon won the trust and love of Takashi Nov, and a deep friendship has been forged between the two. In fact, Agarov's true identity is Shuluoqika, a woman dressed as a man. After the war broke out, her patriotic enthusiasm drove her to make such a crazy and dangerous move.