One winter night after World War II, on a ferry in Hokkaido, the flamboyant demobilized soldier Akama (played by Mifune Toshiro Toshiro Mifune) met the kind-hearted Turtada (played by Mori Yazhi Masayuki Mori). Akita was moved by the simple sincerity of Kameda, so the two became friends. Akita told his old love story to Kameda, which won Kameda's sympathy. In the cupboard window of a store, the two stopped for a portrait of an actress. Akita felt that the woman smiled brightly and sunny, but Kameda said she saw her depression. Kameda came to Ono's house to lodge and learned that Ono was about to get married. In fact, he really loved the bride's sister Ayako, but was willing to accept marriage against his will for 600000 yen. Ayako has a straightforward personality and a clear distinction between love and hate. She recognized the nature of the other person through letters from Ono Tochida, and instead took a liking to the kind-hearted Kameda. When the Ono couple came to recognize each other, Akita accidentally met the old lover Taeko (Setsuko Hara Hara), and an emotional war without gunsmoke began.