The story takes place in the southern United States in 1961, when the precocious girl Leveren (Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning) and her grandmother Lamy (Piper Laurie Piper Laurie) depend on each other, and sometimes Levelen will return to her father, but the man's grumpy and rude behavior always leaves her black and blue. Through her father's new girlfriend, Levelen experienced the wonderful feeling brought to her by music for the first time, and then embarked on the road of chasing music. By chance, Levelan met a black gardener named Charles (Afeimura Afemo Omilami), and the two hit it off. When he and the boy Buddy (Cody Hanford Cody Hanford) took shelter from the rain in the farmhouse, they tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and Levelen was beaten by his father. In order to raise money to buy Elvis Presley concert tickets, Levelen sold his song, but in exchange for frivolous and offensive, life for the first time revealed the real cruel side to Levelen.