Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan), who lives in the small town of New Salem, is a young girl in high school. She has a good family, a good education, plays the piano well and loves to write. At school, Aubrey has a carefree life with a boyfriend who admires him and a group of girlfriends who tell everything. Aubrey mysteriously disappeared after the inter-school game one night. At this time, the evil blue killer is all the rage, and Aubrey's parents and friends are extremely anxious. Soon after, the devastated Aubrey was found, and when she woke up, she insisted that she was a stripper named Dakota Moss. Everything becomes complicated and confusing. The film won the 2008 Golden Raspberry Award for worst actress (Lindsay Lohan, double roles), worst director, worst horror film, worst picture, worst screen couple and worst screenplay.