The story of Captain Grant's Children takes place in 1864. The Scottish aristocrat Sir Grinavan, the owner of the Duncan cruise ship, obtained a document from the drifting objects at sea, from which he learned that Captain Grant, the Scottish navigator who was lost at sea two years ago, was still alive. So he resolutely took the captain's daughter Mary and son Robert and others to sail his own cruise ship to search and rescue. After arriving in South America, they crossed the American continent and finally found that the captain was killed off the coast of Australia. After arriving in Australia by ship, they met the captain's original sailor Elton, who was fooled by the pirate leader, crossed the Australian continent, was captured by the natives and fell into a desperate situation. After escaping, they decided to abandon Elton on the desolate island of Tabor in the Pacific Ocean, only to encounter Captain Grant on the island, so they returned to Scotland triumphantly together. The book also describes people's adventures in nature, including earthquakes, hurricanes and wolves; hundreds of cattle are trapped in a quagmire, and surging floods turn the plain into an ocean; they escape from big trees struck by lightning and encounter crocodiles lurking in the water. What is even more touching is that.