The story takes place in the distant 23rd century, when 95% of human beings were reduced to abject poverty. In order to get out of the predicament, people extend their tentacles into outer space, hoping to reverse the status quo with the help of the mining of alien minerals. But they were so reckless that they awakened the sleeping unknown creatures in the mine. In the past years, 1600 local employees have been killed by monsters. Soon after that, the monster quickly infected the right host, and the situation was completely out of control. In order to stop the monster's plan to invade Earth, a team was sent to another planet to carry out an interception mission. Unexpectedly, the team suffered an overwhelming blow, and at a time of crisis, a man named White Carmichael (Daniel MacPherson) released air-conditioning to freeze the monster, and no one survived except him. Shortly after that, another team was sent to investigate the situation, and their unintentional actions brought the sleeping monster back to life.