The film is considered to be the best non-comedy work produced by Ealing Studios, depicting the floating day of the working class in the East end in a black film, and is the forerunner of radical realism (kitchen-sink). The film was highly praised by American film critics during the British black film season in New York in 2008, but until then, the film had been little known, so it was considered a neglected British film masterpiece in the 1940s. "The Village Voice" praised the film as a "masterpiece depicting 'dilemma' and 'attempted wish', highly innovative in flashback and multiple superimposed narratives, and the wonderful performance of Withers and Mccallum." "Time Out" rated the film as "an extremely exciting work!" An angry but hopeless thriller, the ruthlessness and accuracy of Robert Hammer's London underclass stew is so exciting that most films dare not try, let alone achieve it. This film starts from a rainy weekend morning, living in Lun.